Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021

Food Tracking App Like Weight Watchers

Food Tracking App Like Weight Watchers

Best Food Tracker Apps for Diets Like Weight Watchers

This list of the Best Food Tracker Apps is ideal for those who want to follow a diet similar to WW FreeStyle, but can't afford the full monthly cost.  Journaling or tracking your daily food intake is vital for weight loss.  These tools help make it easy to manage on the go.

picture of a woman in fitness clothes holding a smart phone

Best Food Tracker Apps for Diets Like Weight Watchers

When you're trying to lose weight, tracking your points, is always super helpful! However, not everyone can afford to pay for the current points system.  If that is the case, there are some excellent options to calculate points for a past WW plan, or just to journal your food intake.

It's always best when you can get something for free! I have found that adding up points is a very productive way for me to lose weight. Keep in mind, you have to do what works best for you to help you lose weight.  If you want to know how to do older plans, check out this post from our friends about How to Do Weight Watchers for Free.

Check out some of the best FREE or low-cost apps to use instead of Weight Watchers.


I've used Weight Watchers in the past, but when I'm on a budget and don't have the extra money for paying for an app, you'll see me using iTrackBites. It's compatible with WW and is super easy to use. Plus, you can download it on an iPhone or an Android. Additionally, if you don't use points, you can use it to track your calories. This is a win for you either way.

There are multiple options within the app to upgrade for full functionality.  The most common is the option that is around $35 per year.  This is most comparable to the more recent plans for WW.

Don't miss this list of WW FreeStyle Must Have Item for Success to help you stay on track.

My Fitness Pal

I have personally used MyFitnessPal over the years for a variety of reasons.  A few of my favorite reasons are due to the larger number of foods listed in their system, as well as the ability to scan barcodes on foods.  This makes tracking meals super easy.

You can also utilize MyFitnessPal to build recipes you create to find out the actual nutritional information per serving.  If you are using various blogs like ours for recipes, you can drop the link to the recipe into MyFitnessPal and it will calculate the nutritional information for you.

While this isn't the best option for tracking points, there are tons of ways to make notes on points within the app.  This is especially helpful for those who are following an older WW plan such as Pointeaspoonlus or Beyond the Scale.

This Weight Watchers Dining Out Guide is a perfect way to help you make better choices when eating out.

Women holding a smartphone in front of a window with white curtains

Ultimate Food Value Diary

Another low-cost app to use instead of Weight Watchers is the Ultimate Food Value Diary. You can use this app as a one-stop shop for tracking your food and exercise, online database for eating out, weight and measurement tracking. So, the list is endless is how you can use it.

One of the bonuses with this app is there Extra Boost ™ option.  This helps you determine the optimum amount of calories you should be eating each day to lose weight.

Reasons Fitness & Food Tracker Apps are Valuable

Often, the reason that those pounds creep up on happens to be because we don't realize how much we are actually eating.  By using an app like these, whether you follow a specific plan or not, you will become more aware of your food choices.

Thanks to these 3 apps, you can track your points without spending a ton of money. Unfortunately, the options are limited when it comes to tracking points due to copyright infringements. Do you know of any other apps that help you track your points?

Food Tracking App Like Weight Watchers


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